
This is a small list of debug code snippets.

Debugging nans with tensorflow

It is a little problematic, because some nans occur during the runtime without being an error. Often these are cases where an operation has different implementations based on the value of the input, because it would otherwise lead to a loss of precision.

Therefore we wrote some patches, which put try-except blocks around these code parts and if a error occurs, disable check_numeric for this part.

For patching tensorflow_probability (replace the variables by the correct path):

cd scripts/debugging_patches
patch -d {$CONDA_PATH}/envs/{$ENVIRONMENT_NAME}/ -p 0 < filter_nan_errors1.patch
patch -d {$CONDA_PATH}/envs/{$ENVIRONMENT_NAME}/ -p 0 < filter_nan_errors2.patch
patch -d {$CONDA_PATH}/envs/{$ENVIRONMENT_NAME}/ -p 0 < filter_nan_errors3.patch

And then uncomment these line of codes in the run_script. Check_numerics has to enabled only before the optimization, not before the initial sampling, because the nan occuring during the sampling of the gamma distribution hasn’t been patched.

tf.debugging.enable_check_numerics(stack_height_limit=30, path_length_limit=50)

For debugging the VI, it is reasonable to increase the step size, to run more quickly into errors

Basic usage of logger

# Change to debug mode i.e all log.debug is printed

# Use log.debug instead of print
log.debug(f"My var {var}")

Force cpu or other device

my_devices = tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices(device_type="CPU")
tf.config.experimental.set_visible_devices(devices=my_devices, device_type="CPU")
tf.config.set_visible_devices([], "GPU")