Source code for covid19_npis.model.model

import logging

import pymc4 as pm
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

# Needed to set logging level before importing other modules
# logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)

from . import *

from .. import transformations

#  from covid19_npis.benchmarking import benchmark

from .distributions import (
from .utils import convolution_with_varying_kernel, gamma

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@pm.model() def main_model(modelParams): """ ToDo ---- Create Docstring for this function. """ # yield """# Create initial Reproduction Number R_0: The returned R_0 tensor has the |shape| batch, country, age_group. """ R_0 = yield reproduction_number.construct_R_0( name="R_0_c", modelParams=modelParams, loc=3.3, scale=0.5, hn_scale=0.3, # Scale parameter of HalfNormal for each country ) """ # Create time dependent reproduction number R(t): Create interventions and change points from model parameters and initial reproduction number. Finally combine to R(t). The returned R(t) tensor has the |shape| time, batch, country, age_group. """ R_t = yield reproduction_number.construct_R_t( name="R_t", modelParams=modelParams, R_0=R_0 ) log.debug(f"R_t:\n{R_t}") """ # Create Contact matrix C: We use the Cholesky version as the non Cholesky version uses tf.linalg.slogdet which isn't implemented in JAX. The returned tensor has the |shape| batch, country, age_group, age_group. """ C = yield construct_C(name="C", modelParams=modelParams) log.debug(f"C:\n{C}") """ # Create generation interval g: """ len_gen_interv_kernel = 12 # Create normalized pdf of generation interval ( gen_kernel, # shape: countries x len_gen_interv, mean_gen_interv, # shape g_mu: countries x 1 ) = yield construct_generation_interval(l=len_gen_interv_kernel) log.debug(f"gen_interv:\n{gen_kernel}") """ # Generate exponential distribution initial infections E_0(t): We need to generate initial infectious before our data starts, because we do a convolution in the infectiousmodel loops. This convolution needs start values which we do not want to set to 0! The returned E_0(t) tensor has the |shape| time, batch, country, age_group. """ E_0_t = yield construct_E_0_t( modelParams=modelParams, len_gen_interv_kernel=len_gen_interv_kernel, R_t=R_t, mean_gen_interv=mean_gen_interv, mean_test_delay=0, ) # Add E_0(t) to trace yield Deterministic( name="E_0_t", value=tf.einsum(">...tca", E_0_t), shape_label=("time", "country", "age_group"), ) log.debug(f"E_0(t):\n{E_0_t}") """ # Get population size tensor from modelParams: Should be done earlier in the real model i.e. in the modelParams The N tensor has the |shape| country, age_group. """ N = modelParams.N_data_tensor log.debug(f"N:\n{N}") """ # Create new cases new_E(t): This is done via Infection dynamics in InfectionModel, see describtion The returned tensor has the |shape| batch, time,country, age_group. """ new_E_t = InfectionModel( N=N, E_0_t=E_0_t, R_t=R_t, C=C, gen_kernel=gen_kernel # default valueOp:AddV2 ) log.debug(f"new_E_t:\n{new_E_t[0,:]}") # dimensons=t,c,a # Clip in order to avoid infinities new_E_t = tf.clip_by_value(new_E_t, 1e-7, 1e9) # Add new_E_t to trace new_E_t = yield Deterministic( name="new_E_t", value=new_E_t, shape_label=("time", "country", "age_group"), ) log.debug(f"new_E_t\n{new_E_t.shape}") """ # Number of tests and deaths We simulate our reported cases i.e positiv test and totalnumber of tests total and deaths. """ # Tests total_tests, positive_tests = yield number_of_tests.generate_testing( name_total="total_tests", name_positive="positive_tests", modelParams=modelParams, new_E_t=new_E_t, ) # Deaths # Infection fatality ratio death_Phi = yield deaths._calc_Phi_IFR(name="IFR", modelParams=modelParams) # Death reporting delay death_m, death_theta = yield deaths._construct_reporting_delay( name="delay_deaths", modelParams=modelParams ) # Calculate new deaths delayed deaths_delayed = yield deaths.calc_delayed_deaths( name="deaths", new_cases=new_E_t, Phi_IFR=death_Phi, m=death_m, theta=death_theta, ) """ Likelihood TODO - description on fitting data - add deaths and total tests """ likelihood = yield studentT_likelihood( modelParams, positive_tests, total_tests, deaths_delayed )
# Removed return value because it produces strange behaviour in prior predictive # InferenceData # return likelihood