Source code for covid19_npis.plot.distributions

import os, sys
import logging
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import tqdm
from scipy import stats

from .rcParams import *
from .utils import (
from .. import modelParams

mpl.rc("figure", max_open_warning=0)
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def distribution( trace, sample_state, key, dir_save=None, plot_age_groups_together=True, force_matrix=False, ): """ High level plotting function for distributions, plots prior and posterior if they are given in the trace. Parameters ---------- trace: arivz.InferenceData Raw data from pymc4 sampling, can contain both posterior data and prior data. Or only one of both! sample_state : pymc4 sample state Used mainly for shape labels key : str Name of the variable to plot dir_save: str, optional where to save the the figures (expecting a folder). Does not save if None |default| None force_matrix: bool, optional Forces matrix plotting behaviour for last two dimensions |default| False Returns ------- array of mpl figures one figure for each country """ log.debug(f"Creating distibution plot for {key}") # Check for special behaviour if key in ["C", "C_mean", "Sigma"] or force_matrix: return distribution_matrix(trace, sample_state, key, dir_save=dir_save) # Convert trace to dataframe with index levels and values changed to # values specified in model and modelParams # Uses `data.convert_trace_to_dataframe` posterior, prior = get_posterior_prior_from_trace( trace, sample_state, key, drop_chain_draw=True ) if posterior is not None: main = posterior elif prior is not None: main = prior else: raise ValueError("Posterior and prior none!!") # Get distribution object instance dist = get_dist_by_name_from_sample_state(sample_state, key) # Check if directory exists if dir_save is not None: if not os.path.exists(dir_save): os.makedirs(dir_save) if not os.path.exists(dir_save + f"/{key}"): os.makedirs(dir_save + f"/{key}") # Progress bar pbar = tqdm( total=len(main.index.unique()), desc=f"Plotting {key}", position=1, leave=False, ) axes = {} def helper_plot(posterior, prior, name_str): if posterior is not None: df = posterior else: df = prior if plot_age_groups_together and ("age_group" in df.index.names): unq_age = df.index.get_level_values("age_group").unique() fig, ax = plt.subplots( len(unq_age), 1, figsize=(2.2, 2.2 * len(unq_age),), squeeze=False ) for i, ag in enumerate(unq_age): # Create pivot table i.e. time on index and draw on columns if posterior is not None: posterior_t = posterior.xs(ag).to_numpy().flatten() else: posterior_t = None if prior is not None: prior_t = prior.xs(ag).to_numpy().flatten() else: prior_t = None # Plot _distribution( array_posterior=posterior_t, array_prior=prior_t,, dist_math=get_math_from_name(, suffix=f"{i}", ax=ax[i, 0], ) # Set title for axis ax[i, 0].set_title(ag) elif len(df.index.names) == 1: # Exception for dummy dimensions in change point logic check = [ "d_i_c_p", ] if in check: intervention, country = name_str.split("/") country = modelParams.modelParams.country_by_name(country) num_rows = len(country.change_points[intervention]) else: num_rows = len(df.index.get_level_values(df.index.names[0]).unique()) if num_rows == 0: return fig, ax = plt.subplots( num_rows, 1, figsize=(2.2, 2.2 * num_rows,), squeeze=False, ) for i, ag in enumerate( df.index.get_level_values(df.index.names[0]).unique() ): if posterior is not None: posterior_t = posterior.xs(ag).to_numpy().flatten() else: posterior_t = None if prior is not None: prior_t = prior.xs(ag).to_numpy().flatten() else: prior_t = None if i >= num_rows: continue # Plot _distribution( array_posterior=posterior_t, array_prior=prior_t,, dist_math=get_math_from_name(, suffix=f"{i}", ax=ax[i, 0], ) ax[i, 0].set_title(ag) else: i = 0 if posterior is not None: posterior_t = posterior.to_numpy().flatten() else: posterior_t = None if prior is not None: prior_t = prior.to_numpy().flatten() else: prior_t = None fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(2.2, 2.2)) # Plot _distribution( array_posterior=posterior_t, array_prior=prior_t,, dist_math=get_math_from_name(, suffix=f"{i}", ax=ax, ) # Suptitle fig.suptitle( f"{key}:\n" + name_str.replace("/", "\n"), verticalalignment="top", ha="left", fontweight="bold", x=0.01, y=0.99, ) fig.tight_layout(h_pad=1.5, w_pad=1.5) # Save figure if save_dir is defined if dir_save is not None: if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(f"{dir_save}/{key}/{name_str}.png")): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(f"{dir_save}/{key}/{name_str}.png")) # Get path to folder if f"{dir_save}/{key}/{name_str}.png".split("/")[-1] == ".png": name_str = name_str + "all" fig.savefig( f"{dir_save}/{key}/{name_str}.png", transparent=True, dpi=300, ) axes[name_str] = ax plt.close(fig) pbar.update(i + 1) # Some kind of recursion to unfold every other dimension def recursion(posterior, prior, name_str): if posterior is not None: index = posterior.index else: index = prior.index if len(index.names) > 1: if posterior is not None: levels = posterior.index.names else: levels = prior.index.names for lev in levels: # Iterate over all level values if plot_age_groups_together and lev == "age_group": continue for i, value in enumerate(index.get_level_values(lev).unique()): if posterior is not None: posterior_t = posterior.xs(value, level=lev) else: posterior_t = None if prior is not None: prior_t = prior.xs(value, level=lev) else: prior_t = None recursion( posterior_t, prior_t, name_str + "/" + str(value), ) return # else name_str = name_str[1:] helper_plot(posterior, prior, name_str) # # START RECURSION recursion(posterior, prior, "") pbar.close() return axes
[docs]def distribution_matrix(trace, sample_state, key, dir_save=None): """ High level function to create a distribution plot for matrix like variables e.g. 'C'. Uses last two dimensions for matrix like plot. Parameters ---------- trace: arivz.InferenceData Raw data from pymc4 sampling, can contain both posterior data and prior data. Or only one of both! sample_state : pymc4 sample state Used mainly for shape labels key : str Name of the variable to plot dir_save: str, optional where to save the the figures (expecting a folder). Does not save if None |default| None Returns ------- axes """ # Get dataframes posterior, prior = get_posterior_prior_from_trace( trace, sample_state, key, drop_chain_draw=True ) if posterior is not None: main = posterior elif prior is not None: main = prior else: raise ValueError("Posterior and prior none!!") # Get unique entries for last two dimensions rows = main.index.get_level_values(main.index.names[-1]).unique() cols = main.index.get_level_values(main.index.names[-2]).unique() # Get distribution object instance dist = get_dist_by_name_from_sample_state(sample_state, key) # Check if directory exists if dir_save is not None: if not os.path.exists(dir_save): os.makedirs(dir_save) if not os.path.exists(dir_save + f"/{key}"): os.makedirs(dir_save + f"/{key}") # Progress bar pbar = tqdm( total=len(main.index.unique()), desc=f"Plotting {key}", position=1, leave=False, ) axes = {} def helper_plot(posterior, prior, name_str): """ Plots matrix from the last two dimensions """ fig, ax = plt.subplots( len(rows), len(cols), figsize=(2.2 * len(cols), 2.2 * len(rows)), squeeze=False, ) for x, row in enumerate(rows): ax_row = ax[x] if len(rows) > 1 else ax if posterior is not None: posterior_x = posterior.xs(row, level=posterior.index.names[-1]) if prior is not None: prior_x = prior.xs(row, level=prior.index.names[-1]) for y, col in enumerate(cols): ax_col = ax_row[y] if len(cols) > 1 else ax_row if posterior is not None: posterior_xy = posterior_x.xs(col).to_numpy().flatten() else: posterior_xy = None if prior is not None: prior_xy = prior_x.xs(col).to_numpy().flatten() else: prior_xy = None # Plot _distribution( array_posterior=posterior_xy, array_prior=prior_xy,, dist_math=get_math_from_name(, suffix=f"{x},{y}", ax=ax_col, ) # Create titles for the axes for x, row in enumerate(rows): ax_row = ax[x] if len(rows) > 1 else ax ax_col = ax_row[0] if len(cols) > 1 else ax_row ax_col.set_ylabel(row) for y, col in enumerate(cols): ax_col = ax[x] if len(cols) > 1 else ax ax_row = ax_col[0] if len(rows) > 1 else ax_col ax_row.set_title(col) # Suptitle fig.suptitle( f"{key.replace('_', ' ')}:\n{name_str}", verticalalignment="top", ha="left", fontweight="bold", x=0.01, y=0.99, ) # Save figure if save_dir is defined fig.tight_layout(h_pad=1.5, w_pad=1.5) if dir_save is not None: if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(f"{dir_save}/{key}/{name_str}.png")): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(f"{dir_save}/{key}/{name_str}.png")) if f"{dir_save}/{key}/{name_str}.png".split("/")[-1] == ".png": name_str = name_str + "all" fig.savefig( f"{dir_save}/{key}/{name_str}", transparent=True, dpi=300, ) axes[name_str] = ax plt.close(fig) pbar.update(len(rows) * len(cols)) # Some kind of recursion to unfold every other dimension def recursion(posterior, prior, name_str): if posterior is not None: index = posterior.index else: index = prior.index if len(index.names) > 2: if posterior is not None: levels = posterior.index.names[0:-2] else: levels = prior.index.names[0:-2] for lev in levels: # Iterate over all level values for i, value in enumerate(index.get_level_values(lev).unique()): if posterior is not None: posterior_t = posterior.xs(value, level=lev) else: posterior_t = None if prior is not None: prior_t = posterior.xs(value, level=lev) else: prior_t = None recursion(posterior_t, prior_t, name_str + "/" + value) return # else name_str = name_str[1:] helper_plot(posterior, prior, name_str) # START RECURSION recursion(posterior, prior, "") pbar.close() return axes
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Low level functions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
[docs]def _distribution( array_posterior, array_prior, dist_name, dist_math, suffix="", ax=None ): """ Low level function to plots posterior and prior from arrays. Parameters ---------- array_posterior, array_prior : array or None Sampling data as array, should be filtered beforehand. If none it does not get plotted! dist_name: str name of distribution for plotting dist_math: str math of distribution for plotting suffix: str,optional Suffix for the plot title e.g. "age_group_1" |default| "" ax : mpl axes element, optional Plot into an existing axes element |default| :code:`None` """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4.5 / 3, 1),) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Plot # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # if array_posterior is not None: ax = _plot_posterior(x=array_posterior, ax=ax) if array_prior is not None: ax = _plot_prior(x=array_prior, ax=ax) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Annotations # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # add the overlay with median and CI values. these are two strings text_md, text_ci = _string_median_CI(array_posterior, prec=2) text_md = f"${dist_math}^{{{suffix}}}={text_md}$" # create the inset text elements, and we want a bounding box around the compound try: tel_md = ax.text( 0.6, 0.9, text_md, fontsize=12, transform=ax.transAxes, verticalalignment="top", horizontalalignment="center", zorder=100, ) x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = _get_mpl_text_coordinates(tel_md, ax) tel_ci = ax.text( 0.6, y_min * 0.9, # let's have a ten perecent margin or so text_ci, fontsize=9, transform=ax.transAxes, verticalalignment="top", horizontalalignment="center", zorder=101, ) _add_mpl_rect_around_text( [tel_md, tel_ci], ax, facecolor="white", alpha=0.5, zorder=99, ) except Exception as e: log.debug(f"Unable to create inset with {dist_name} value: {e}") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Additional plotting settings # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ax.xaxis.set_label_position("top") # ax.set_xlabel(dist["name"] + suffix) ax.tick_params(labelleft=False) ax.set_rasterization_zorder(rcParams.rasterization_zorder) ax.spines["right"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["top"].set_visible(False) return ax
[docs]def _plot_prior(x, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Low level plotting function, plots the prior as line for sampling data by using kernel density estimation. For more references see `scipy documentation <>`_. It is highly recommended to pass an axis otherwise the xlim may be a bit wonky. Parameters ---------- x : Input values, from sampling ax : mpl axes element, optional Plot into an existing axes element |default| :code:`None` kwargs : dict, optional Directly passed to plotting mpl. """ reset_xlim = False if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() xlim = [x.min(), x.max()] else: # may need to convert axes values, and restore xlimits after adding prior xlim = ax.get_xlim() reset_xlim = True try: prior = stats.kde.gaussian_kde(x) except Exception as e: # Probably only one value of x return ax x_for_ax = np.linspace(*xlim, num=1000) x_for_pr = x_for_ax ax.plot( x_for_ax, prior(x_for_ax), label="Prior", color=rcParams.color_prior, linewidth=3, **kwargs, ) if reset_xlim: ax.set_xlim(*xlim) return ax
[docs]def _plot_posterior(x, bins=50, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Low level plotting function to plot an sampling data as histogram. Parameters ---------- x: Input values, from sampling bins: int, optional Defines the number of equal-width bins in the range. |default| 50 ax : mpl axes element, optional Plot into an existing axes element |default| :code:`None` kwargs : dict, optional Directly passed to plotting mpl. """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.hist( x, bins=bins, color=rcParams.color_posterior, label="Posterior", alpha=0.7, zorder=-5, density=True, **kwargs, ) return ax
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Formating and util # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # def _string_median_CI(arr, prec=2): f_trunc = lambda n: _truncate_number(n, prec) med = f_trunc(np.median(arr)) perc1, perc2 = ( f_trunc(np.percentile(arr, q=2.5)), f_trunc(np.percentile(arr, q=97.5)), ) # return "Median: {}\nCI: [{}, {}]".format(med, perc1, perc2) return f"{med}", f"[{perc1}, {perc2}]" def _truncate_number(number, precision): return "{{:.{}f}}".format(precision).format(number)
[docs]def _get_mpl_text_coordinates(text, ax): """ helper to get coordinates of a text object in the coordinates of the axes element [0,1]. used for the rectangle backdrop. Returns: x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max """ fig = ax.get_figure() try: fig.canvas.renderer except Exception as e: log.debug(e) # otherwise no renderer, needed for text position calculation fig.canvas.draw() x_min = None x_max = None y_min = None y_max = None # get bounding box of text transform = ax.transAxes.inverted() try: bb = text.get_window_extent(renderer=fig.canvas.get_renderer()) except: bb = text.get_window_extent() bb = bb.transformed(transform) x_min = bb.get_points()[0][0] x_max = bb.get_points()[1][0] y_min = bb.get_points()[0][1] y_max = bb.get_points()[1][1] return x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max
[docs]def _add_mpl_rect_around_text(text_list, ax, x_padding=0.05, y_padding=0.05, **kwargs): """ add a rectangle to the axes (behind the text) provide a list of text elements and possible options passed to mpl.patches.Rectangle e.g. facecolor="grey", alpha=0.2, zorder=99, """ x_gmin = 1 y_gmin = 1 x_gmax = 0 y_gmax = 0 for text in text_list: x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = _get_mpl_text_coordinates(text, ax) if x_min < x_gmin: x_gmin = x_min if y_min < y_gmin: y_gmin = y_min if x_max > x_gmax: x_gmax = x_max if y_max > y_gmax: y_gmax = y_max # coords between 0 and 1 (relative to axes) add 10% margin y_gmin = np.clip(y_gmin - y_padding, 0, 1) y_gmax = np.clip(y_gmax + y_padding, 0, 1) x_gmin = np.clip(x_gmin - x_padding, 0, 1) x_gmax = np.clip(x_gmax + x_padding, 0, 1) rect = mpl.patches.Rectangle( (x_gmin, y_gmin), x_gmax - x_gmin, y_gmax - y_gmin, transform=ax.transAxes, **kwargs, ) ax.add_patch(rect)