Source code for covid19_npis.model.deaths

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
import logging
import pymc4 as pm
import numpy as np

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from .distributions import (
from .. import transformations
from .utils import gamma, get_filter_axis_data_from_dims, convolution_with_fixed_kernel

[docs]def _construct_reporting_delay( name, modelParams, theta_sigma_scale=0.3, theta_mu_loc=1.5, theta_mu_scale=0.3, m_sigma_scale=4.0, m_mu_loc=21.0, m_mu_scale=2.0, ): r""" .. math:: m_{D_\text{death}, c} &= \ln \left(1 + e^{m^*_{D_\text{death}, c}} \right)\\ m^*_{D_\text{death}, c} &\sim \mathcal{N} (\mu_{m_{D_\text{death}}}, \sigma_{m_{D_\text{death}}}), \\ \mu_{m_{D_\text{death}}}&\sim \mathcal{N}(21, 2), \\ \sigma_{m_{D_\text{test}}} &\sim HalfNormal(4), \label{eq:prior_delta_m_delay}\\ \theta_{D_\text{death}, c} &=\frac{1}{4} \ln \left(1 + e^{4\theta^*_{D_\text{death}, c}} \right)\\ \theta^*_{D_\text{death}, c} &\sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_{\theta_{D_\text{test}}},\sigma_{\theta_{D_\text{test}}}),\\ \mu_{\theta_{D_\text{death}}} &\sim \mathcal{N}(1.5, 0.3),\\ \sigma_{\theta_{D_\text{death}}} &\sim HalfNormal(0.3). Parameters ---------- name: str Name of the reporting delay variable :math:`m_{D_\text{test},c,b}.` modelParams: :py:class:`covid19_npis.ModelParams` Instance of modelParams, mainly used for number of age groups and number of countries. theta_sigma_scale: optional Scale parameter for the Normal distribution :math:`\sigma_{\theta_{D_\text{death}}}.` |default| 0.3 theta_mu_loc: optional Location parameter for the Normal distribution :math:`\mu_{\theta_{D_\text{death}}}.` |default| 1.5 theta_mu_scale: optional Scale parameter for the HalfNormal distribution :math:`\mu_{\theta_{D_\text{death}}}.` |default| 0.3 m_sigma_scale: optional Scale parameter for the HalfNormal distribution :math:`\sigma_{m_{D_\text{test}}}.` |default| 4.0 m_mu_loc: optional Location parameter for the Normal distribution :math:`\mu_{m_{D_\text{death}}}.` |default| 21.0 m_mu_scale: optional Scale parameter for the Normal distribution :math:`\mu_{m_{D_\text{death}}}.` |default| 2.0 Returns ------- : (m, theta) |shape| (batch, country) x 2 """ """ # Theta """ theta_sigma = yield HalfStudentT( df=4, name=f"{name}_theta_sigma", scale=theta_sigma_scale, conditionally_independent=True, ) theta_mu = ( yield Normal( name=f"{name}_theta_mu", loc=0.0, scale=theta_mu_scale, conditionally_independent=True, ) ) + theta_mu_loc # theta_dagger = N(μ,θ) theta_dagger = ( tf.einsum( "...c,...->...c", ( yield Normal( name=f"{name}_theta_dagger", loc=0.0, scale=1.0, event_stack=modelParams.num_countries, shape_label="country", conditionally_independent=True, ) ), theta_sigma, ) + theta_mu[..., tf.newaxis] ) theta = yield Deterministic( name=f"{name}_theta", value=0.25 * tf.math.softplus(4 * theta_dagger), shape_label=("country"), ) """ # Mean m """ m_sigma = yield HalfStudentT( df=4, name=f"{name}_m_sigma", scale=m_sigma_scale, conditionally_independent=True, transform=transformations.SoftPlus(), ) mu_m = ( yield Normal( name=f"{name}_mu_m", loc=0.0, scale=m_mu_scale, conditionally_independent=True, ) ) + m_mu_loc # m_dagger = N(μ,θ) m_dagger = ( tf.einsum( "...c,...->...c", ( yield Normal( name=f"{name}_m_dagger", loc=0.0, scale=1.0, event_stack=modelParams.num_countries, shape_label="country", conditionally_independent=True, ) ), m_sigma, ) + mu_m[..., tf.newaxis] ) m = tf.math.softplus(m_dagger) # For robustness m = tf.clip_by_value(m, 5, 50) theta = tf.clip_by_value(theta, 0.1, 3) m = yield Deterministic(name=f"{name}_m", value=m, shape_label=("country")) return m, theta
[docs]def _calc_Phi_IFR( name, modelParams, alpha_loc=0.119, alpha_scale=0.003, beta_loc=-7.53, beta_scale=0.4, ): r""" Calculates and construct the IFR and Phi_IFR: .. math:: \beta_{\text{IFR,c}} &= \mathcal{N}\left(-7.53, 0.4\right) \\ \alpha_\text{IFR} &= \mathcal{N}\left(0.119, 0.003\right) .. math:: \text{IFR}_c(a^*) &= \frac{1}{100} \exp{\left(\beta_{\text{IFR,c}} + \alpha_\text{IFR} \cdot a\right)} \\ .. math:: \phi_{\text{IFR}, c,a} = \frac{1}{\sum_{a^* = a_\text{beg}(a)}^{a_\text{end}(a)} N_\text{pop}\left(a^*\right)}\sum_{a^* = a_\text{beg}(a)}^{a_\text{end}(a)} N_{\text{pop}, c}\left(a^*\right) \text{IFR}_c\left(a^* \right), Parameters ---------- name: str Name of the infection fatatlity ratio variable :math:`\phi_{\text{IFR}, c,a}.` modelParams: :py:class:`covid19_npis.ModelParams` Instance of modelParams, mainly used for number of age groups and number of countries. alpha_loc: optional |default| 0.119 alpha_scale: optional |default| 0.003 beta_loc: optional |default| -7.53 beta_scale: optional |default| 0.4 Returns ------- : Phi_IFR |shape| batch, country, age brackets """ alpha = yield Normal( name=f"{name}_alpha", loc=alpha_loc, scale=alpha_scale, conditionally_independent=True, ) beta = yield Normal( name=f"{name}_beta", loc=beta_loc, scale=beta_scale, conditionally_independent=True, event_stack=modelParams.num_countries, shape_label=("country",), ) # for robustness, clip at about 5 sigmas alpha = tf.clip_by_value(alpha, 0.1, 0.14) beta = tf.clip_by_value(beta, -10, -5) ages = tf.range(0.0, 101.0, delta=1.0, dtype="float32") # [0...100] log.debug(f"ages\n{ages}") log.debug(f"beta\n{beta}") log.debug(f"alpha\n{alpha[..., tf.newaxis]}") IFR = 0.01 * tf.exp( beta[..., tf.newaxis] + tf.einsum("...,a->...a", alpha[..., tf.newaxis], ages) ) # |shape| batch,coutry,ages log.debug(f"IFR\n{IFR}") N_total = modelParams.N_data_tensor_total # |shape| coutry,ages N_agegroups = modelParams.N_data_tensor log.debug(f"N_total\n{N_total}") log.debug(f"N_agegroups\n{N_agegroups}") # Multiply N_pop(a) * IFR(a) for every age group and country product = tf.einsum(",ca->", IFR, N_total) log.debug(f"product\n{product}") # for each country and age group: phi = [] for c, country in enumerate(modelParams.countries): phi_c = [] for age_group in modelParams.age_groups: # Get lower/upper bound for age groups in selected country lower, upper = country.age_groups[age_group] # inclusive phi_a = tf.math.reduce_sum(product[..., c, lower : upper + 1], axis=-1) log.debug(f"phi_a\n{phi_a.shape}") phi_c.append(phi_a) phi.append(phi_c) log.debug(f"phi\n{tf.convert_to_tensor(phi).shape}") phi = tf.einsum("ca...->", tf.convert_to_tensor(phi)) # Transpose Phi_IFR = tf.einsum("ca,>", 1.0 / N_agegroups, phi) log.debug(f"Phi_IFR\n{Phi_IFR.shape}") Phi_IFR = yield Deterministic( name="Phi_IFR", value=Phi_IFR, shape_label=("country", "age_group") ) return Phi_IFR
[docs]def calc_delayed_deaths(name, new_cases, Phi_IFR, m, theta, length_kernel=40): r""" Calculates delayed deahs from IFR and delay kernel. .. math:: \Tilde{E}_{\text{delayDeath}, c, a}(t) = \phi_{\text{IFR}, c,a} \sum_{\tau=0}^T \Tilde{E}_{c,a}(t-\tau) \cdot f_{c,t}(\tau) \\ f_{c,t}(\tau) = Gamma(\tau ; \alpha = \frac{m_{D_{\text{death}, c}}}{\theta_{D_\text{death}}}+ 1, \beta=\frac{1}{\theta_{D_\text{death}}}) Parameters ---------- name: str Name of the delayed deaths variable :math:`\Tilde{E}_{\text{delayDeath}, c, a}(t).` new_cases: tf.Tensor New cases without reporting delay :math:`\Tilde{E}_{c,a}(t).` |shape| batch, time, country, age_group Phi_IFR: tf.Tensor Infection fatality ratio of the age brackets :math:`\phi_{\text{IFR}, c,a}.` |shape| batch, country, age_group m: tf.Tensor Median fatality delay for the delay kernel :math:`m_{D_{\text{death}, c}}.` |shape| batch, country theta: tf.Tensor Scale fatality delay for the delay kernel :math:`\theta_{D_\text{death}}.` |shape| batch length_kernel : optional Length of the kernel in days |default| 14 days Returns ------- : :math:`\Tilde{E}_{\text{delayDeath}, c, a}(t)` |shape| batch, time, country, age_group """ """ # Construct delay kernel f """ # Time tensor tau = tf.range( 0.01, length_kernel + 0.01, 1.0, dtype="float32" ) # The gamma function does not like 0! # Get shapes right we want c,t m = m[..., :, tf.newaxis] # |shape| batch, country, time theta = theta[..., :, tf.newaxis] # |shape| batch, country, time # Calculate pdf kernel = gamma(tau, m / theta + 1.0, 1.0 / theta,) # add age group dimension log.debug(f"kernel deaths\n{kernel}") log.debug(f"new_cases deaths\n{new_cases}") """ # Calc delayed deaths """ if len(new_cases.shape) == 5: filter_axes_data = [-5, -4, -2] elif len(new_cases.shape) == 4: filter_axes_data = [-4, -2] else: filter_axes_data = [-2] dd = convolution_with_fixed_kernel( data=new_cases, kernel=kernel, data_time_axis=-3, filter_axes_data=filter_axes_data, ) log.debug(f"dd\n{dd.shape}") delayed_deaths = yield Deterministic( name=name, value=tf.einsum(",...tca->...tca", Phi_IFR, dd), shape_label=("time", "country", "age_group"), ) delayed_deaths_compact = yield Deterministic( name=f"{name}_compact", value=tf.reduce_sum(delayed_deaths, axis=-1), shape_label=("time", "country"), ) log.debug(f"deaths\n{delayed_deaths_compact}") return delayed_deaths