Source code for covid19_npis.model.disease_spread

import tensorflow as tf
import logging
import pymc4 as pm
from .utils import gamma, convolution_with_fixed_kernel
import numpy as np
import tensorflow_probability as tfp

from covid19_npis import transformations
from covid19_npis.model.distributions import (

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def construct_E_0_t( modelParams, len_gen_interv_kernel, R_t, mean_gen_interv, mean_test_delay=10, ): r""" Generates a prior for E_0_t, based on the observed number of cases during the first 5 days. Currently it is implemented to take the first value of R_t, and multiply the inverse of R_t with first observed values until the begin of the simulation is reached. This is then used as a prior for a lognormal distribution which set the E_0_t. Parameters ---------- modelParams: :py:class:`covid19_npis.ModelParams` Instance of modelParams, mainly used for number of age groups and number of countries. len_gen_interv_kernel: number ...some description R_t: tf.tensor Time dependent reproduction number tensor :math:`R(t)`. |shape| time, batch, country, age group mean_gen_interv: countries ...some description mean_test_delay: number, optional ...some description |default| 10 Returns ------- : E_0_t: some description |shape| time, batch, country, age_group """ batch_dims = tuple(R_t.shape)[:-3] data = modelParams.pos_tests_data_array assert data.ndim == 3 assert ( modelParams.offset_sim_data >= len_gen_interv_kernel + mean_test_delay ), "min_offset_sim_data is to small" i_data_begin_list = modelParams.indices_begin_data i_sim_begin_list = i_data_begin_list - len_gen_interv_kernel - mean_test_delay # eigvals, _ = tf.linalg.eigh(R_t[..., i_data_begin, :, :]) # largest_eigval = eigvals[-1] R_t_rescaled = (R_t + 1e-5) ** (1 / 5.0) R_inv = 1 / (R_t_rescaled + 1e-3) R_inv = tf.clip_by_value(R_inv, clip_value_min=0.7, clip_value_max=1.2) """ R = R_t_rescaled[0] R_sqrt = tf.math.sqrt(R) R_diag = tf.linalg.diag(R_sqrt) R_eff = R_diag @ C @ R_diag log.debug(f"R_eff for h_0_t construction {R_eff.shape}:\n{R_eff}") R_eff_inv = tf.linalg.pinv(R_eff) log.debug(f"R_eff_inv for h_0_t construction:\n{R_eff_inv}") """ avg_cases_begin = [] for c in range(data.shape[1]): avg_cases_begin.append( np.nanmean(data[i_data_begin_list[c] : i_data_begin_list[c] + 5, c], axis=0) ) avg_cases_begin = np.array(avg_cases_begin) E_t = tf.convert_to_tensor(avg_cases_begin) log.debug(f"avg_cases_begin:\n{avg_cases_begin}") if len(R_t.shape) == 5: perm_forw = (3, 0, 1, 2, 4) perm_back = (1, 2, 3, 0, 4) elif len(R_t.shape) == 4: perm_forw = (2, 0, 1, 3) perm_back = (1, 2, 0, 3) elif len(R_t.shape) == 3: perm_forw = (1, 0, 2) perm_back = (1, 0, 2) else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown rank") """ for i in range(diff_sim_data - len_gen_interv_kernel - mean_test_delay): R_current = tf.transpose( tf.gather( tf.transpose(R_inv, perm=perm_forw), tf.constant(i_data_begin_list - i)[:, tf.newaxis], axis=1, batch_dims=1, ), perm=perm_back, )[ 0 ] # A little complicated expression, because tensorflow doesn't allow advanced numpy indexing E_t = R_current * E_t log.debug(f"i, E_t:{i}\n{E_t}") """ E_0_t_mean = [None for _ in range(len_gen_interv_kernel - 1, -1, -1)] R_inv_transposed = tf.transpose(R_inv, perm=perm_forw) for i in range(len_gen_interv_kernel - 1, -1, -1): # R = tf.gather(R_t_rescaled, i_sim_begin_list + i, axis=-3, batch_dims=1,)) # E_t = tf.linalg.matvec(R_eff_inv, E_t) R_current = tf.transpose( tf.gather( R_inv_transposed, tf.constant(i_data_begin_list - i - mean_test_delay)[:, tf.newaxis], axis=1, batch_dims=1, ), perm=perm_back, )[ 0 ] # A little complicated expression, because tensorflow doesn't allow advanced numpy indexing E_t = R_current * E_t log.debug(f"i, E_t:{i}\n{E_t}") E_0_t_mean[i] = E_t E_0_t_mean = tf.stack(E_0_t_mean, axis=-3) E_0_t_mean = tf.clip_by_value(E_0_t_mean, 1e-5, 1e6) log.debug(f"E_0_t_mean:\n{E_0_t_mean}") E_0_diff_base = yield Normal( name="E_0_diff_base", loc=0.0, scale=3.0, conditionally_independent=True, event_stack=tuple(E_0_t_mean[..., 0:1, :, :].shape[-3:]), ) E_0_diff_base = tf.clip_by_value(E_0_diff_base, -10, 10) E_0_base = E_0_t_mean[..., 0:1, :, :] * tf.exp(E_0_diff_base) E_0_mean_diff = E_0_t_mean[..., 1:, :, :] - E_0_t_mean[..., :-1, :, :] E_0_diff_add = yield Normal( name="E_0_diff_add", loc=0.0, scale=1.0, conditionally_independent=True, event_stack=tuple(E_0_mean_diff.shape[-3:]), ) E_0_diff_add = tf.clip_by_value(E_0_diff_add, -10, 10) E_0_base_add = E_0_mean_diff * tf.exp(E_0_diff_add) log.debug(f"E_0_base:\n{E_0_base}") log.debug(f"E_0_base_add:\n{E_0_base_add}") log.debug(f"R_t:\n{R_t.shape}") E_0_t_rand = tf.math.cumsum( tf.concat([E_0_base, E_0_base_add,], axis=-3,), axis=-3, ) # shape: batch_dims x len_gen_interv_kernel x countries x age_groups E_0_t_rand = tf.einsum( "...kca->", E_0_t_rand ) # Now: shape: len_gen_interv_kernel x batch_dims x countries x age_groups log.debug(f"E_0_t_rand:\n{E_0_t_rand}") E_0_t = [] batch_shape = R_t.shape[1:-2] log.debug(f"batch_shape:\n{batch_shape}") total_len = R_t.shape[0] age_shape = R_t.shape[-1:] for i, i_begin in enumerate(i_sim_begin_list): E_0_t.append( tf.concat( [ tf.zeros((i_begin,) + batch_shape + (1,) + age_shape), E_0_t_rand[..., i : i + 1, :], tf.zeros( (total_len - len_gen_interv_kernel - i_begin,) + batch_shape + (1,) + age_shape ), ], axis=0, ) ) E_0_t = tf.concat(E_0_t, axis=-2) return E_0_t
def _construct_E_0_t_transposed(E_0, l=16): r""" Generates a exponential distributed :math:`E_t`, which goes :math:`l` steps into the past i.e has a length of :math:`l`. This is needed because of the convolution with the generation interval inside the time step function. The :math:`E_t` is normalized by the initial :math:`E_0` values: .. math:: \sum_t{E_t} = E_0 TODO ---- - slope of exponent should match R_0 - add more in depth explanation Parameters ---------- E_0: Tensor of initial E_0 values. l: number,optional Number of time steps we need to go into the past |default| 16 Returns ------- : E_t """ # Construct exponential function exp = tf.math.exp(tf.range(start=l, limit=0.0, delta=-1.0, dtype=E_0.dtype)) # Normalize to one exp, norm = tf.linalg.normalize(tensor=exp, ord=1, axis=0) # sums every given E_0 with the exponential function values E_0_t = tf.einsum(",t->...tca", E_0, exp) E_0_t = tf.clip_by_value(E_0_t, 1e-7, 1e9) return E_0_t
[docs]def construct_generation_interval( name="g", mu_k=4.8 / 0.04, mu_theta=0.04, theta_k=0.8 / 0.1, theta_theta=0.1, l=16 ): r""" Generates the generation interval with two underlying gamma distributions for mu and theta .. math:: g(\tau) = Gamma(\tau; k = \frac{\mu_{D_{\text{gene}}}}{\theta_{D_\text{gene}}}, \theta=\theta_{D_\text{gene}}) whereby the underlying distribution are modeled as follows .. math:: \mu_{D_{\text{gene}}} &\sim Gamma(k = 4.8/0.04, \theta=0.04) \\ \theta_{D_\text{gene}} &\sim Gamma(k = 0.8/0.1, \theta=0.1) Parameters ---------- name: string Name of the distribution for trace and debugging. mu_k : number, optional Concentration/k parameter for underlying gamma distribution of mu (:math:`\mu_{D_{\text{gene}}}`). |default| 120 mu_theta : number, optional Scale/theta parameter for underlying gamma distribution of mu (:math:`\mu_{D_{\text{gene}}}`). |default| 0.04 theta_k : number, optional Concentration/k parameter for underlying gamma distribution of theta (:math:`\theta_{D_\text{gene}}`). |default| 8 theta_theta : number, optional Scale/theta parameter for underlying gamma distribution of theta (:math:`\theta_{D_\text{gene}}`). |default| 0.1 l: number, optional Length of generation interval i.e :math:`t` in the formula above |default| 16 Returns ------- : Normalized generation interval pdf """ """ The Shape parameter k of generation interval distribution is a gamma distribution with: """ # Pymc4 and tf use alpha and beta as parameters so we need to take 1/θ as rate. # See # and g_mu = yield Gamma( name=f"{name}_mu", concentration=mu_k, rate=mu_theta, conditionally_independent=True, validate_args=True, ) # g_mu = tf.constant(5.0) # g_theta = tf.constant(1.0) """ Shape parameter k of generation interval distribution is a gamma distribution with: """ g_theta = yield Gamma( name=f"{name}_theta", concentration=theta_k, rate=1.0 / theta_theta, conditionally_independent=True, validate_args=True, ) g_mu = tf.clip_by_value(g_mu, 2, 8) g_theta = tf.clip_by_value(g_theta, 0.2, 2) log.debug(f"g_mu:\n{g_mu}") log.debug(f"g_theta:\n{g_theta}") # Add a small number here to prevent zeros. Could happen in the sampling # at some point and we divide at a later point by these tensors, # which could yield nans otherwise. g_theta = tf.expand_dims(g_theta, axis=-1) + 1e-8 g_mu = tf.expand_dims(g_mu, axis=-1) + 1e-8 """ Construct generation interval gamma distribution from underlying generation distribution """ g = gamma(tf.range(0.1, l + 0.1, dtype=g_mu.dtype), g_mu / g_theta, 1.0 / g_theta) # g = weibull(tf.range(1, l, dtype=g_mu.dtype), g_mu / g_theta, 1.0 / g_theta) g = yield Deterministic(name=name, value=g) return ( g, tf.expand_dims(g_mu, axis=-1), ) # shape g: batch_shape x len_gen_interv, shape g_mu: batch_shape x 1 x 1
def _subdiagonal_array_to_matrix(array, size): """ Transforms an array containing the subdiagonal elements of a matrix into a symmetric matrix. Keeps prepended batch_dims in the generated matrix Parameters ---------- array: array with shape (batch_dims,) + (num_dims * (num_dims - 1) // 2,) size: Size of square matrix Returns ------- matrix with shape (batch_dims,) + (num_dims, num_dims) """ assert array.shape[-1] == size * (size - 1) // 2 i = 0 diag_indices = [0] for _ in range(size // 2 + 2): i += size diag_indices += [i, i + 1] i += 1 diag_indices = diag_indices[:size] mask = np.ones(size * (size + 1) // 2, dtype=np.bool) mask[diag_indices] = 0 indices = np.arange(len(mask))[mask] array_scattered = tf.scatter_nd( indices[..., None], tf.transpose( array, perm=(len(array.shape) - 1,) + tuple(range(len(array.shape) - 1)) ), shape=(size * (size + 1) // 2,) + array.shape[:-1], ) array_scattered = tf.transpose( array_scattered, perm=tuple(range(1, len(array_scattered.shape))) + (0,) ) triangular = tfp.math.fill_triangular(array_scattered, upper=True) matrix = triangular + tf.linalg.matrix_transpose(triangular) return matrix def normalize_matrix(matrix): size = matrix.shape[-1] diag = tf.linalg.diag_part(matrix) lower_triang = tf.linalg.band_part(matrix, -1, 0) sub_diag = tf.linalg.set_diag( lower_triang, tf.zeros(matrix.shape[:-1], dtype=matrix.dtype) ) sub_diag = ( sub_diag / tf.sqrt(diag)[..., tf.newaxis, :] / tf.sqrt(diag)[..., tf.newaxis] ) # sum_sub_diag = tf.reduce_sum(sub_diag, axis=(-2, -1), keepdims=True) sum_rows_non_diag = tf.reduce_sum( sub_diag + tf.linalg.matrix_transpose(sub_diag), axis=-1 ) norm_by = tf.reduce_max(sum_rows_non_diag, axis=-1)[..., tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis] diag_transf = ( tf.eye(size, dtype=matrix.dtype) - sum_rows_non_diag[..., tf.newaxis] + norm_by ) / (norm_by + 1) sub_diag_transf = sub_diag / (norm_by + 1) return ( tf.linalg.band_part(diag_transf, 0, 0) + sub_diag_transf + tf.linalg.matrix_transpose(sub_diag_transf) ) def construct_C( name, modelParams, mean_C=-2.0, sigma_C=1, sigma_country=0.5, sigma_age=0.5 ): C_country_sigma = yield HalfStudentT( df=4, name=f"{name}_country_sigma", scale=sigma_country, conditionally_independent=True, event_stack=(1, 1), ) C_age_sigma = yield HalfStudentT( df=4, name=f"{name}_age_sigma", scale=sigma_age, conditionally_independent=True, event_stack=(1, 1), ) Delta_C_country = ( yield Normal( name=f"Delta_{name}_country", loc=0, scale=1, conditionally_independent=True, event_stack=(modelParams.num_countries, 1), shape_label=("country", None), ) ) * C_country_sigma Delta_C_age = ( yield Normal( name=f"Delta_{name}_age", loc=0, scale=1, conditionally_independent=True, event_stack=( 1, modelParams.num_age_groups * (modelParams.num_age_groups - 1) // 2, ), shape_label=(None, "age groups cross terms"), ) ) * C_age_sigma Base_C = ( yield Normal( name=f"Base_{name}", loc=0, scale=sigma_C, conditionally_independent=True, event_stack=(1, 1), ) ) + mean_C C_array = Base_C + Delta_C_age + Delta_C_country # C_array = mean_C * np.ones( # ( # modelParams.num_countries, # modelParams.num_age_groups * (modelParams.num_age_groups - 1) // 2, # ), # dtype="float32", # ) C_array = tf.math.sigmoid(C_array) C_array = tf.clip_by_value( C_array, 0.001, 0.99 ) # ensures off diagonal terms are smaller than diagonal terms size = modelParams.num_age_groups transf_array = lambda arr: normalize_matrix( _subdiagonal_array_to_matrix(arr, size) + tf.linalg.eye(size, dtype=arr.dtype) ) C_matrix = transf_array(C_array) C_matrix = yield Deterministic( name=f"{name}", value=C_matrix, shape_label=("country", "age_group_i", "age_group_j"), ) # yield Deterministic( # name=f"{name}_mean", # value=transf_array(tf.math.sigmoid(Base_C + Delta_C_age))[..., 0, :, :], # shape_label=("age_group_i", "age_group_j"), # ) return C_matrix
[docs]def InfectionModel(N, E_0_t, R_t, C, gen_kernel): r""" This function combines a variety of different steps: #. Converts the given :math:`E_0` values to an exponential distributed initial :math:`E_{0_t}` with an length of :math:`l` this can be seen in :py:func:`_construct_E_0_t`. #. Calculates :math:`R_{eff}` for each time step using the given contact matrix :math:`C`: .. math:: R_{diag} &= \text{diag}(\sqrt{R}) \\ R_{eff} &= R_{diag} \cdot C \cdot R_{diag} #. Calculates the :math:`\tilde{I}` arrays i.e. new infectious for each age group and country, with the efficient reproduction matrix :math:`R_{eff}`, the susceptible pool :math:`S`, the population size :math:`N` and the generation interval :math:`g(\tau)`. This is done recursive for every time step. .. math:: \tilde{I}(t) &= \frac{S(t)}{N} \cdot R_{eff} \cdot \sum_{\tau=0}^{t} \tilde{I}(t-1-\tau) g(\tau) \\ S(t) &= S(t-1) - \tilde{I}(t-1) Parameters ---------- E_0: Initial number of infectious. |shape| batch_dims, country, age_group R_t: Reproduction number matrix. |shape| time, batch_dims, country, age_group N: Total population per country |shape| country, age_group C: inter-age-group Contact-Matrix (see 8) |shape| country, age_group, age_group gen_kernel: Normalized PDF of the generation interval |shape| batch_dims(?), l Returns ------- : Sample from distribution of new, daily cases """ # @tf.function(autograph=False) # For robustness of inference # R_t = tf.clip_by_value(R_t, 0.5, 7) # R_t = tf.clip_by_norm(R_t, 100, axes=0) def loop_body(params, elems): # Unpack a: # Old E_next is E_lastv now R, h = elems E_t, E_lastv, S_t = params # Internal state # Internal state f = S_t / N # Convolution: # log.debug(f"E_t {E_t}") # Calc "infectious" people, weighted by serial_p (country x age_group) infectious = tf.einsum(",...t->", E_lastv, gen_kernel) # Convolution # Calculate effective R_t [country,age_group] from Contact-Matrix C [country,age_group,age_group] R_sqrt = tf.math.sqrt(R + 1e-7) R_diag = tf.linalg.diag(R_sqrt) R_eff = tf.einsum( "...cij,...cik,...ckl->...cil", R_diag, C, R_diag ) # Effective growth number # log.debug(f"infectious: {infectious}") # log.debug(f"R_eff:\n{R_eff}") # log.debug(f"f:\n{f}") # log.debug(f"h:\n{h}") # Calculate new infections new = tf.einsum(",...cij,...cj->...cj", infectious, R_eff, f) + h new = tf.clip_by_value(new, 0.01, 1e9) # for robustness # log.debug(f"new:\n{new}") # kernel_time,batch,country,age_group E_nextv = tf.concat( [new[tf.newaxis, ...], E_lastv[:-1, ...],], axis=0, ) # Create new infected population for new step, insert latest at front S_t = S_t - new return new, E_nextv, S_t # Number of days that we look into the past for our convolution len_gen_interv_kernel = gen_kernel.shape[-1] S_initial = N - tf.reduce_sum(E_0_t, axis=0) R_t_for_loop = R_t[len_gen_interv_kernel:] h_t_for_loop = E_0_t[len_gen_interv_kernel:] # Initial susceptible population = total - infected """ Calculate time evolution of new, daily infections as well as time evolution of susceptibles as lists """ initial = ( tf.zeros(S_initial.shape, dtype=S_initial.dtype), E_0_t[:len_gen_interv_kernel], S_initial, ) out = tf.scan(fn=loop_body, elems=(R_t_for_loop, h_t_for_loop), initializer=initial) daily_infections_final = out[0] daily_infections_final = tf.concat( [E_0_t[:len_gen_interv_kernel], daily_infections_final], axis=0 ) # Transpose tensor in order to have batch dim before time dim daily_infections_final = tf.einsum(">...tca", daily_infections_final) log.debug(f"daily_infections_final:\n{daily_infections_final}") log.debug( f"daily_infections_final sum:\n{tf.reduce_sum(daily_infections_final, axis=-3)}" ) daily_infections_final = tf.clip_by_value(daily_infections_final, 1e-6, 1e6) return daily_infections_final # batch_dims x time x country x age
def InfectionModel_SIR(N, I_0, lambda_t, C, recov_rate=1 / 8, h_t=None): r""" This function combines a variety of different steps: #. Converts the given :math:`E_0` values to an exponential distributed initial :math:`E_{0_t}` with an length of :math:`l` this can be seen in :py:func:`_construct_E_0_t`. #. Calculates :math:`R_{eff}` for each time step using the given contact matrix :math:`C`: .. math:: R_{diag} &= \text{diag}(\sqrt{R}) \\ R_{eff} &= R_{diag} \cdot C \cdot R_{diag} #. Calculates the :math:`\tilde{I}` arrays i.e. new infectious for each age group and country, with the efficient reproduction matrix :math:`R_{eff}`, the susceptible pool :math:`S`, the population size :math:`N` and the generation interval :math:`g(\tau)`. This is done recursive for every time step. .. math:: \tilde{I}(t) &= \frac{S(t)}{N} \cdot R_{eff} \cdot \sum_{\tau=0}^{t} \tilde{I}(t-1-\tau) g(\tau) \\ S(t) &= S(t-1) - \tilde{I}(t-1) Parameters ---------- N: Total population per country |shape| country, age_group I_0_t: Initial number of infectious. |shape| batch_dims, country, age_group lambda_t: spreading rate matrix. |shape| time, batch_dims, country, age_group C: inter-age-group Contact-Matrix (see 8) |shape| country, age_group, age_group recov_rate: recovery rate |shape| batch_dims, country, age_group h_t: eventual external input |shape| time, batch_dims, country, age_group Returns ------- : Sample from distribution of new, daily cases """ # @tf.function(autograph=False) # For robustness of inference # R_t = tf.clip_by_value(R_t, 0.5, 7) # R_t = tf.clip_by_norm(R_t, 100, axes=0) def loop_body(params, elems): # Unpack a: # Old E_next is E_lastv now lambda_, h = elems _, I_last, S_t = params # Internal state # Internal state f = S_t / N # log.debug(f"I_t {I_t}") # Calculate effective lambda_t [country,age_group] from Contact-Matrix C [country,age_group,age_group] lambda_sqrt = tf.math.sqrt(lambda_ + 1e-7) lambda_diag = tf.linalg.diag(lambda_sqrt) lambda_eff = tf.einsum( "...ij,...ik,...kl->", lambda_diag, C, lambda_diag ) # Effective growth number # log.debug(f"infectious: {infectious}") # log.debug(f"R_eff:\n{R_eff}") # log.debug(f"f:\n{f}") # log.debug(f"h:\n{h}") # Calculate new infections infections = tf.einsum(",...cij,...cj->...cj", I_last, lambda_eff, f) + h infections = tf.clip_by_value(infections, 0.01, 1e9) # for robustness # Calculate new infectious pool I_new = infections + I_last - recov_rate * I_last return infections, I_new, S_t # Number of days that we look into the past for our convolution S_initial = N - I_0 len_added = 1 lambda_t_for_loop = lambda_t[len_added:] if not h_t: h_t_for_loop = tf.zeros_like(lambda_t_for_loop) else: h_t_for_loop = h_t[len_added:] # Initial susceptible population = total - infected """ Calculate time evolution of new, daily infections as well as time evolution of susceptibles as lists """ initial = ( tf.zeros_like(S_initial), I_0, S_initial, ) out = tf.scan( fn=loop_body, elems=(lambda_t_for_loop, h_t_for_loop), initializer=initial ) daily_infections_final = out[0] daily_infections_final = tf.concat( [I_0[tf.newaxis, ...], daily_infections_final], axis=0 ) # Transpose tensor in order to have batch dim before time dim daily_infections_final = tf.einsum(">...tca", daily_infections_final) log.debug(f"daily_infections_final:\n{daily_infections_final}") log.debug( f"daily_infections_final sum:\n{tf.reduce_sum(daily_infections_final, axis=-3)}" ) daily_infections_final = tf.clip_by_value(daily_infections_final, 1e-6, 1e6) return daily_infections_final # batch_dims x time x country x age def InfectionModel_unrolled(N, E_0, R_t, C, g_p): r""" This function unrolls the loop. It compiling time is slower (about 10 minutes) but the running time is faster and more parallel: #. Converts the given :math:`E_0` values to an exponential distributed initial :math:`E_{0_t}` with an length of :math:`l` this can be seen in :py:func:`_construct_E_0_t`. #. Calculates :math:`R_{eff}` for each time step using the given contact matrix :math:`C`: .. math:: R_{diag} &= \text{diag}(\sqrt{R}) \\ R_{eff} &= R_{diag} \cdot C \cdot R_{diag} #. Calculates the :math:`\tilde{I}` arrays i.e. new infectious for each age group and country, with the efficient reproduction matrix :math:`R_{eff}`, the susceptible pool :math:`S`, the population size :math:`N` and the generation interval :math:`g(\tau)`. This is done recursive for every time step. .. math:: \tilde{I}(t) &= \frac{S(t)}{N} \cdot R_{eff} \cdot \sum_{\tau=0}^{t} \tilde{I}(t-1-\tau) g(\tau) \\ S(t) &= S(t-1) - \tilde{I}(t-1) TODO ---- - rewrite while loop to tf.scan function Parameters ---------- E_0: Initial number of infectious. |shape| batch_dims, country, age_group R_t: Reproduction number matrix. |shape| time, batch_dims, country, age_group N: Total population per country |shape| country, age_group C: inter-age-group Contact-Matrix (see 8) |shape| country, age_group, age_group g_p: Normalized PDF of the generation interval |shape| batch_dims(?), l Returns ------- : Sample from distribution of new, daily cases """ # @tf.function(autograph=False) # Number of days that we look into the past for our convolution l = g_p.shape[-1] + 1 # Generate exponential distributed intial E_0_t E_0_t = _construct_E_0_t_transposed(E_0, l - 1) # Clip in order to avoid infinities E_0_t = tf.clip_by_value(E_0_t, 1e-7, 1e9) log.debug(f"E_0_t:\n{E_0_t}") # TO DO: Documentation # log.debug(f"R_t outside scan:\n{R_t}") total_days = R_t.shape[0] # Initial susceptible population = total - infected S_initial = N - tf.reduce_sum(E_0_t, axis=-3) """ Calculate time evolution of new, daily infections as well as time evolution of susceptibles as lists """ S_t = S_initial E_t = E_0_t # has shape batch x time x coutry x age_group for i in range(l - 1, total_days): # Internal state f = S_t / N # These are the infections over which the convolution is done # log.debug(f"E_lastv: {E_t}") # Calc "infectious" people, weighted by serial_p (country x age_group) infectious = tf.einsum("...tca,...t->", E_t[..., -1:-l:-1, :, :], g_p) # Calculate effective R_t [country,age_group] from Contact-Matrix C [country,age_group,age_group] R_sqrt = tf.math.sqrt(R_t[i]) R_diag = tf.linalg.diag(R_sqrt) R_eff = tf.einsum( "...cij,...cik,...ckl->...cil", R_diag, C, R_diag ) # Effective growth number # log.debug(f"infectious: {infectious}") # log.debug(f"R_eff:\n{R_eff}") # log.debug(f"f:\n{f}") # Calculate new infections new_E = tf.einsum(",...cij,...cj->...cj", infectious, R_eff, f) # log.debug(f"new_E:\n{new_E}") E_t = tf.concat([E_t, new_E[..., tf.newaxis, :, :]], axis=-3,) S_t = S_t - new_E return E_t # batch_dims x time x country x age
[docs]def construct_delay_kernel(name, modelParams, loc, scale, length_kernel): r""" Constructs delay :math:`d` in hierarchical manner: .. math:: \mu_c^d &\sim \text{LogNormal}\left(\mu=2.5,\sigma=0.1\right) \quad \forall c \\ \sigma^d_c &\sim \\ d_{c} &= \text{PDF-Gamma}(\mu^d_c,\sigma_d) Parameters ---------- name: Name of the delay distribution modelParams: :py:class:`covid19_npis.ModelParams` Instance of modelParams, mainly used for number of age groups and number of countries. loc: Location of the hierarchical Lognormal distribution for the mean of the delay. scale: Theta parameter for now# length_kernel: Length of the delay kernel in days. Returns ------- : Generator for gamma probability density function. |shape| batch, country, kernel(time) TODO ---- Think about sigma distribution and how to parameterize it. Also implement that. """ delay_mean = yield LogNormal( name="delay_mean", loc=np.log(loc, dtype="float32"), scale=0.1, event_stack=( modelParams.num_countries, 1, ), # country, time placeholder -> we do not want to do tf.expanddims conditionally_independent=True, ) delay_theta = scale # For now # Time tensor t = tf.range( 0.1, length_kernel + 0.1, 1.0, dtype="float32" ) # The gamma function does not like 0! log.debug(f"time\n{t}") # Create gamma pdf from sampled mean and scale. delay = gamma(t, delay_mean / delay_theta, 1.0 / delay_theta) log.debug(f"delay\n{delay}") # Reshape delay i.e. add age group such that |shape| batch, time, country, age group delay = tf.stack([delay] * modelParams.num_age_groups, axis=-1) delay = tf.einsum("...cta->", delay) return delay