Source code for covid19_npis.model.number_of_tests

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
import logging
import pymc4 as pm
import numpy as np

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from .distributions import (
from .. import transformations
from . import utils

[docs]def weekly_modulation(name, modelParams, cases): r""" Adds a weekly modulation of the number of new cases: .. math:: \text{cases\_modulated} &= \text{cases} \cdot (1-f(t))\,, \qquad\text{with}\\ f(t) &= (1-w) \cdot \left(1 - \left|\sin\left(\frac{\pi}{7} t- \frac{1}{2}\Phi_w\right)\right| \right) The modulation is assumed to be the same for all age-groups within one country and determined by the "weight" and "offset" parameters. The weight follows a sigmoidal distribution with normal prior of "weight_cross". The "offset" follows a VonMises distribution centered around 0 (Mondays) and a wide SD (concentration parameter = 2). Parameters ---------- name : str or None, The name of the cases to be modulated (gets added to trace). modelParams: :py:class:`covid19_npis.ModelParams` Instance of modelParams, mainly used for number of age groups and number of countries. cases : tf.tensor The input array of daily new cases for countries and age groups Returns ------- cases_modulated : tf.tensor TODO ---- - check prior parameters - different modulations across: age, country? - check: are (cumulative) case numbers same as in unmodulated case? need some kind of normalization? - store and plot parameters at end """ log.debug("Week modulation") # offset-distribution of weekly modulation minimum offset = yield VonMises( name=name + "_modulation_offset", loc=0, concentration=2, conditionally_independent=True, event_stack=(1, modelParams.num_countries, 1), shape_label=(None, "country", None), ) # amplitude of weekly modulation weight_cross = yield Normal( name=name + "_modulation_weight", loc=0, scale=2, conditionally_independent=True, event_stack=(1, modelParams.num_countries, 1), shape_label=(None, "country", None), # transform=transformations.SoftPlus(scale=0.5), ) weight = tf.math.sigmoid(weight_cross) t = modelParams.get_weekdays() # get array with weekdays f = (1 - weight) * ( 1 - tf.math.abs( tf.math.sin(tf.reshape(t, (-1, 1, 1)) / 7 * tf.constant(np.pi) + offset / 2) ) ) # modulation factor cases_modulated = cases * (1 - f) # total modulation yield Deterministic( name=name + "_modulated", value=cases_modulated, shape_label=("time", "country", "age_group"), ) return cases_modulated
[docs]def generate_testing(name_total, name_positive, modelParams, new_E_t): r""" High level function for generating/simulating testing behaviour. Constructs B splines Delay cases Parameters ---------- name_total: str, Name for the total tests performed name_positive: str, Name for the positive tests performed modelParams: :py:class:`covid19_npis.ModelParams` Instance of modelParams, mainly used for number of age groups and number of countries. new_E_t: tf.Tensor New cases :math:`E_{\text{age}, a}.` |shape| batch, time, country, age_group Returns ------- : (:math:`n_{\Sigma, c,a}(t)`, :math:`n_{{+}, {c,a}}(t)` Total and positive tests by age group and country |shape| (batch, time, country, age_group) x 2 ToDo ----- - Add more documenation for this function """ # Get basic functions for b-splines (used later) B = construct_Bsplines_basis(modelParams) """ Construct correlated fraction of positive tests (phi), traced persons per case (eta), base rate of testing (xi) and testing delay (m star) """ (phi, eta, xi, m_ast) = yield construct_testing_state( name_phi="phi_plus", name_eta="eta", name_xi="xi", name_m_ast="m_ast", modelParams=modelParams, num_knots=B.shape[-1], ) # Transfrom m_ast with reporting delay m, theta = yield _construct_reporting_delay( name="testing_delay", modelParams=modelParams, m_ast=m_ast ) # Calculate time dependent variables via bsplines phi_t = _calculate_Bsplines(phi, B) eta_t = _calculate_Bsplines(eta, B) xi_t = _calculate_Bsplines(xi, B) m_t = _calculate_Bsplines(m, B) log.debug(f"phi_t {phi_t}") log.debug(f"eta_t {eta_t}") log.debug(f"xi_t {xi_t}") log.debug(f"m_t {m_t}") # Construct gamma kernel from delay parameter m and add to trace delay_kernel = yield _calc_reporting_delay_kernel( name="reporting_delay_kernel", m=m_t, theta=theta ) filter_axes_data = utils.get_filter_axis_data_from_dims(len(new_E_t.shape)) # Convolution with gamma kernel new_E_t_delayed = utils.convolution_with_varying_kernel( data=new_E_t, kernel=delay_kernel, data_time_axis=-3, filter_axes_data=filter_axes_data, ) new_E_t_delayed = yield Deterministic( name=f"new_E_t_delayed", value=new_E_t_delayed, shape_label=("time", "country", "age_group"), ) log.debug(f"new_E_t_delayed\n{new_E_t_delayed}") """ # Postive tests """ phi_age = yield _construct_phi_age(name="phi_age", modelParams=modelParams) # phi_age = tf.debugging.check_numerics(phi_age, f"phi_age:\n{phi_age}") positive_tests = _calc_positive_tests( new_E_t_delayed=new_E_t_delayed, phi_plus=phi_t, phi_age=phi_age, ) positive_tests = yield weekly_modulation( name=name_positive, modelParams=modelParams, cases=positive_tests, ) log.debug(f"positive_tests\n{positive_tests}") positive_tests = yield Deterministic( name=name_positive, value=positive_tests, shape_label=("time", "country", "age_group"), ) """ # Total tests """ phi_tests_reported = yield _construct_phi_tests_reported( name="phi_tests_reported", modelParams=modelParams ) total_tests = _calc_total_number_of_tests_performed( new_E_t_delayed=new_E_t_delayed, phi_tests_reported=phi_tests_reported, phi_plus=phi_t, eta=eta_t, xi=xi_t, ) total_tests = yield Deterministic( name=name_total, value=total_tests, shape_label=("time", "country", "age_group") ) total_tests_compact = yield Deterministic( name=f"{name_total}_compact", value=tf.reduce_sum(total_tests, axis=-1), shape_label=("time", "country"), ) log.debug(f"total_tests\n{total_tests}") return (total_tests, positive_tests)
[docs]def _calc_positive_tests(new_E_t_delayed, phi_plus, phi_age): r""" .. math:: n_{{+}, {c,a}}(t) =\Tilde{E}_{\text{delayTest}, {c,a}}(t) \cdot \phi_{+, c}(t) \cdot \phi_{\text{age}, a}, Parameters ----------- name: str Name of the variable for the new positive cases :math:`n_{{+}, {c,a}}(t)` in the trace. new_E_t_delayed: tf.Tensor New cases with reporting delay :math:`\Tilde{E}_{\text{delayTest}, c,a}(t).` |shape| batch, time, country, age_group phi_plus: tf.Tensor Fraction of positive tests :math:`\phi_{+, c}(t).` |shape| batch, time, country phi_age: tf.Tensor Fraction of positive tests :math:`\phi_{\text{age}, a}.` |shape| batch, age_group Returns ------- : :math:`n_{{+}, {c,a}}(t)` |shape| batch, time, country, age_group """ n_plus = tf.einsum("...tca,,...a->...tca", new_E_t_delayed, phi_plus, phi_age) return n_plus
[docs]def _calc_total_number_of_tests_performed( new_E_t_delayed, phi_tests_reported, phi_plus, eta, xi ): r""" .. math:: n_{\Sigma, c,a}(t) &= \phi_{\text{tests reported}, c}\nonumber \\ \cdot (\, & \Tilde{E}_{\text{delayTest}, c,a}(t) \cdot \phi_{+, c}(t) \nonumber \\ + \, &\Tilde{E}_{\text{delayTest}, c,a}(t) \cdot \phi_{+, c}(t) \cdot \eta_{\text{traced}, c}(t)\nonumber \\ +\, &\xi_c(t)) Parameters ---------- name: str Name of the variable for the total number of tests performed :math:`n_{\Sigma, c,a}(t)` in the trace. new_E_t_delayed: tf.Tensor New cases with reporting delay :math:`\Tilde{E}_{\text{delayTest}, c,a}(t).` |shape| batch, time, country, age_group phi_tests_reported: tf.Tensor Difference in fraction for different countries :math:`\phi_{\text{tests reported}, c}` |shape| batch, country phi_plus: tf.Tensor Fraction of positive tests :math:`\phi_{+, c}(t).` |shape| batch, time, country eta: tf.Tensor Number of traced persons per case with subsequent negative test per case :math:`\eta_{\text{traced}, c}(t).` |shape| batch, time, country xi: tf.Tensor Base rate of testing per day that leads to negative tests :math:`\xi_c(t).` |shape| batch, time, country Returns ------- : :math:`n_{\Sigma, c,a}(t)` |shape| batch, time, country, age_group """ inner = ( tf.einsum("...tca,>...tca", new_E_t_delayed, phi_plus) + tf.einsum("...tca,,>...tca", new_E_t_delayed, phi_plus, eta) + xi[..., tf.newaxis] ) n_Sigma = tf.einsum("...c,...tca->...tca", phi_tests_reported, inner) return n_Sigma
[docs]def _construct_phi_tests_reported( name, modelParams, mu_loc=1.0, mu_scale=1.0, sigma_scale=1.0 ): r""" Construct the different of the fraction of tests for each country in the following hierarchical manner: .. math:: \phi_{\text{tests reported}, c} &= \frac{e^{\phi^\dagger_{\text{tests reported}, c}}}{e^{\phi^\dagger_{\text{tests reported}, c}} + 1},\label{tests_reported}\\ \phi^\dagger_{\text{tests reported}, c} &\sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_{\phi^\dagger_{\text{tests reported}}}, \sigma_{\phi^\dagger_{\text{tests reported}}}),\\ \mu_{\phi^\dagger_{\text{tests reported}}} &\sim \mathcal{N}(1,1),\\ \sigma_{\phi^\dagger_{\text{tests reported}}} &\sim HalfCauchy(1). Parameters ---------- name: str Name of the variable :math:`\phi_{\text{tests reported}, c}`. Will also appear in the trace with this name. modelParams: :py:class:`covid19_npis.ModelParams` Instance of modelParams, mainly used for number of age groups and number of countries. mu_loc: optional Location parameter for the Normal distribution :math:`\mu_{\phi^\dagger_{\text{tests reported}}}`. |default| 1.0 mu_scale: optional Scale parameter for the Normal distribution :math:`\mu_{\phi^\dagger_{\text{tests reported}}}`. |default| 1.0 sigma_scale: optional Scale parameter for the :math:`\sigma_{\phi^\dagger_{\text{tests reported}}}` HalfCauchy distribution. |default| 1.0 Returns ------- : :math:`\phi_{\text{tests reported}, c}` |shape| batch, country """ sigma = yield HalfCauchy( name=f"{name}_sigma", scale=sigma_scale, conditionally_independent=True, ) mu = yield Normal( name=f"{name}_mu", loc=mu_loc, scale=mu_scale, conditionally_independent=True, ) phi_dagger = ( yield Normal( name=f"{name}_dagger", loc=0, scale=1, event_stack=modelParams.num_countries, shape_label="country", conditionally_independent=True, ) ) * sigma[..., tf.newaxis] + mu[..., tf.newaxis] phi = yield Deterministic( name=name, value=tf.math.sigmoid(phi_dagger), shape_label="country" ) return phi
[docs]def _construct_phi_age(name, modelParams, sigma_scale=0.2): r""" Fraction of positive tests :math:`\phi_{\text{age}, a}.` .. math:: \phi_{\text{age}, a} &= e^{\phi^\dagger_{\text{age},a}} \label{eq:phi_age}\\ \phi^\dagger_{\text{age},a} &= \mathcal{N}\left(0, \sigma_{\phi^\dagger_{\text{age},a}}\right)\\ \sigma_{\phi^\dagger_{\text{age},a}}&=HalfNormal\left(0.2\right) Parameters ---------- name: str Name of the variable :math:`\phi_{\text{age}, a}`. Will also appear in the trace with this name. modelParams: :py:class:`covid19_npis.ModelParams` Instance of modelParams, mainly used for number of age groups and number of countries. sigma_scale: Scale parameter for the HalfNormal distribution :math:`\sigma_{\phi^\dagger_{\text{age},a}}.` |default| 0.2 Returns ------- : :math:`\phi_{\text{age}, a}` |shape| batch, age_group """ sigma = yield HalfStudentT( df=4, name=f"{name}_sigma", scale=sigma_scale, event_stack=modelParams.num_age_groups, conditionally_independent=True, shape_label="age_group", transform=transformations.SoftPlus(scale=sigma_scale), ) log.debug(f"sigma_phi_age {sigma}") phi_cross = yield Normal( name=f"{name}_cross", loc=0.0, scale=1.0, shape_label="age_group", event_stack=modelParams.num_age_groups, conditionally_independent=True, ) phi_cross = tf.einsum("...a,...a->...a", phi_cross, sigma) log.debug(f"phi_age_cross{phi_cross}") # Transform phi = yield Deterministic( name=name, value=tf.math.softplus(phi_cross), shape_label="age_group" ) log.debug(f"phi_age{phi}") return phi
[docs]def _construct_reporting_delay( name, modelParams, m_ast, mu_loc=1.5, mu_scale=0.4, theta_sigma_scale=0.2, m_sigma_scale=3.0, ): r""" .. math:: m_{D_\text{test},c,b} &= m^\ast_{D_\text{test}, c,b} + \Delta m_{D_\text{test}, c}\\ .. math:: \Delta m_{D_\text{test}, c} &\sim \mathcal{N} (0, \sigma_{m_{D\, \text{test}}}), \\ \sigma_{m_{D\, \text{test}}} &\sim HalfNormal(3), \label{eq:prior_delta_m_delay}\\ \theta_{D_\text{test}, c} &\sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_{\theta_{D_\text{test}}},\sigma_{\theta_{D_\text{test}}}),\\ \mu_{\theta_{D_\text{test}}} &\sim \mathcal{N}(1.5, 0.4),\\ \sigma_{\theta_{D_\text{test}}} &\sim HalfNormal(0.2). Parameters ---------- name: str Name of the reporting delay variable :math:`m_{D_\text{test},c,b}.` modelParams: :py:class:`covid19_npis.ModelParams` Instance of modelParams, mainly used for number of age groups and number of countries. m_ast: tf.Tensor :math:`m^\ast_{D_\text{test}, c,b}` |shape| batch, country, spline mu_loc: optional Location parameter for the Normal distribution :math:`\mu_{\theta_{D_\text{test}}}.` |default| 1.5 mu_scale: optional Scale parameter for the Normal distribution :math:`\mu_{\theta_{D_\text{test}}}.` |default| 0.4 theta_sigma_scale: optional Scale parameter for the HalfNorml distribution :math:`\sigma_{\theta_{D_\text{test}}}.` |default| 0.2 m_sigma_scale: optional Scale parameter for the HalfNorml distribution :math:`\sigma_{m_{D\, \text{test}}}.` |default| 3.0 Returns ------- : :math:`m_{D_\text{test},c,b}` |shape| batch, country, spline """ # Theta theta_sigma = yield HalfStudentT( df=4, name=f"{name}_theta_sigma", scale=theta_sigma_scale, conditionally_independent=True, ) mu = yield Normal( name=f"{name}_mu", loc=0.0, scale=mu_scale, conditionally_independent=True, ) mu = mu + mu_loc log.debug(f"mu delta m:\n{mu}") log.debug(f"theta_sigma\n{theta_sigma}") theta = ( tf.einsum( "...c,...->...c", ( yield Normal( name=f"{name}_theta", loc=0.0, scale=1.0, event_stack=modelParams.num_countries, shape_label="country", conditionally_independent=True, ) ), theta_sigma, ) + mu[..., tf.newaxis] ) # m m_sigma = yield HalfStudentT( df=4, name=f"{name}_m_sigma", scale=m_sigma_scale, conditionally_independent=True, ) delta_m = tf.einsum( "...c,...->...c", ( yield Normal( name=f"delta_{name}", loc=0.0, scale=1.0, event_stack=modelParams.num_countries, shape_label="country", conditionally_independent=True, ) ), m_sigma, ) m = tf.math.softplus(m_ast + delta_m[..., tf.newaxis]) theta = 0.5 * tf.math.softplus(2 * theta) theta = tf.clip_by_value(theta, clip_value_min=0.1, clip_value_max=10) # We need to add the spline dimension at some point i.e. prop. expand delta_m m = yield Deterministic(name=name, value=m, shape_label=("country", "spline"),) log.debug(f"m_spline:\n{m}") return (m, theta)
[docs]def _calc_reporting_delay_kernel(name, m, theta, length_kernel=14): r""" Calculates the pdf for the gamma reporting kernel. .. math:: f_{c,t}(\tau) = Gamma(\tau ; \alpha = \frac{m_{D_{\text{test}},c}(t)}{\theta_{D_\text{test}},c} + 1, \beta=\frac{1}{\theta_{D_\text{test},c}}),\nonumber\\ \text{with $f_{c,t}$ normalized such that} \:\: \sum_{\tau=0}^T f_{c,t}(\tau) = 1. Parameters ---------- name: Name of the reporting delay kernel :math:`f_{c,t}(\tau)` m: |shape| batch, time, country theta: |shape| batch, country length_kernel: optional Length of the kernel in days |default| 14 days Returns ------- : |shape| batch,country, kernel, time """ # Time tensor t = tf.range( 0.01, length_kernel + 0.01, 1.0, dtype="float32" ) # The gamma function does not like 0! # Get shapes right we want c,t m = tf.einsum(">...ct", m)[ ..., tf.newaxis ] # Add empty kernel axis -> batch country time kernel theta = theta[..., tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis] # Add a empty time axis, and kernel axis log.debug(f"m\n{m}") log.debug(f"theta\n{theta}") # Calculate pdf kernel = utils.gamma(t, m / theta + 1.0, 1.0 / theta,) kernel = tf.einsum("...ctk->...ckt", kernel) kernel = yield Deterministic( name=name, value=kernel, shape_label=("country", "kernel", "time") ) log.debug(f"reportin delay kernel\n{kernel}") # batch, country, kernel, time return kernel
[docs]def construct_testing_state( name_phi, name_eta, name_xi, name_m_ast, modelParams, num_knots, mu_cross_loc=0.0, mu_cross_scale=10.0, m_mu_loc=12.0, m_mu_scale=2.0, sigma_cross_scale=10.0, m_sigma_scale=1.0, ): r""" .. math:: (\phi^\dagger_{\text{tested},c,b}, \: \eta^\dagger_{\text{traced},c,b}, \: \xi^\dagger_{c,b}, \: m^\ast_{D_\text{test},c,b}) &\sim StudentT_{\nu=4} \left(\boldsymbol{\mu}, \mathbf{\Sigma}\right) where .. math:: \boldsymbol{\mu} &= \left(\mu_{\phi^\dagger_+}, \mu_{\eta^\dagger_\text{traced}}, \mu_{\xi^\dagger}, \mu_{m_{D_\text{test}}} \right) \\ \mathbf{\Sigma} &\sim LKJ(\eta=2, \boldsymbol{\sigma} = \left(\sigma_\phi, \sigma_\eta,\sigma_\xi,\sigma_m)\right) with the distributions parametarized in the following hierarchical manner: .. math:: \mu_{\phi^\dagger_+},\: \mu_{\eta^\dagger_\text{traced}},\: \mu_{\xi^\dagger} &\sim \mathcal {N}(0, 10),\\ \mu_{m_{D_\text{test}}} &\sim \mathcal {N}(12, 2), \\ \sigma_\phi, \sigma_\eta, \sigma_\xi &\sim HalfCauchy(10), \\ \sigma_m &\sim HalfNormal(1) \label{eq:prior_sigma_delay_time}\\ at last we transform the variables :math:`\phi_{+,c,b},\: \eta_{\text{traced},c,b},\: \xi_{c,b}` .. math:: \phi_{+,c,b} &= \frac{e^{\phi^\dagger_{+,c,b}}}{e^{\phi^\dagger_{+,c,b}} + 1},\\ \eta_{\text{traced},c,b} &= \ln \left(1 + e^{ \eta^\dagger_{\text{traced},c,b}} \right),\\ \xi_{c,b} &= \ln \left(1 + e^{\xi_{c,b}^\dagger}\right)\frac{n_\text{inhabitants}}{10 000}\\ Parameters ---------- name_phi: str Name of the fraction of positive tests variable :math:`\phi_{+,c,b}.` name_eta: str Name of the number of traced persons variable :math:`\eta_{\text{traced},c,b}.` name_xi: str Name of the base tests rate variable :math:`\xi_{c,b}.` name_m_ast: str Name of the testing delay variable :math:`m^*_{D_{test},c,b}.` modelParams: :py:class:`covid19_npis.ModelParams` Instance of modelParams, mainly used for number of age groups and number of countries. num_knots: Number of knots for the Bspline dimension. mu_cross_loc: optional Location parameter for the three Normal distributions :math:`\mu_{\phi^\dagger_+},\: \mu_{\eta^\dagger_\text{traced}},\: \mu_{\xi^\dagger}.` |default| 0.0 mu_cross_scale: optional Scale parameter for the three Normal distributions :math:`\mu_{\phi^\dagger_+},\: \mu_{\eta^\dagger_\text{traced}},\: \mu_{\xi^\dagger}.` |default| 10.0 m_mu_loc: optional Location parameter for the Normal distribution :math:`\mu_{m_{D_\text{test}}}.` |default| 12.0 m_mu_scale: optional Scale parameter for the Normal distribution :math:`\mu_{m_{D_\text{test}}}.` |default| 2.0 sigma_cross_scale: optional Scale parameter for the three HalfCauchy distributions :math:`\sigma_\phi, \sigma_\eta, \sigma_\xi.` |default| 10.0 m_sigma_scale: optional Scale parameter for the HalfNormal distribution :math:`\sigma_m.` |default| 1.0 Returns ------- : Testing state tuple :math:`(\phi_{+,c,b}, \: \eta_{\text{traced},c,b},\: \xi_{c,b},\: m_{D_\text{test},c,b}),\: \theta_{D_\text{test}}.` |shape| 4 x (batch, country, spline), """ """ First construct all hierachical variables: m,phi,xi,eta """ # m m_sigma = yield HalfStudentT( df=4, name=f"{name_m_ast}_sigma", scale=m_sigma_scale, conditionally_independent=True, transform=transformations.SoftPlus(scale=m_sigma_scale), ) m_mu = yield Normal( name=f"{name_m_ast}_mu", loc=m_mu_loc, scale=m_mu_scale, conditionally_independent=True, ) log.debug(f"m_sigma{m_sigma}") log.debug(f"m_mu{m_mu}") # Fraction of positive tests phi phi_sigma = yield HalfCauchy( name=f"{name_phi}_sigma", scale=sigma_cross_scale, conditionally_independent=True, transform=transformations.SoftPlus(scale=sigma_cross_scale), ) phi_mu_cross = yield Normal( name=f"{name_phi}_mu_cross", loc=mu_cross_loc, scale=mu_cross_scale, conditionally_independent=True, ) log.debug(f"phi_sigma{phi_sigma}") log.debug(f"phi_mu_cross{phi_mu_cross}") # Eta eta_sigma = yield HalfCauchy( name=f"{name_eta}_sigma", scale=sigma_cross_scale, conditionally_independent=True, transform=transformations.SoftPlus(scale=sigma_cross_scale), ) eta_mu_cross = yield Normal( name=f"{name_eta}_mu_cross", loc=mu_cross_loc, scale=mu_cross_scale, conditionally_independent=True, ) log.debug(f"eta_sigma{eta_sigma}") log.debug(f"eta_mu_cross{eta_mu_cross}") # Xi xi_sigma = yield HalfCauchy( name=f"{name_xi}_sigma", scale=10.0, conditionally_independent=True, transform=transformations.SoftPlus(scale=10.0), ) xi_mu_cross = yield Normal( name=f"{name_xi}_mu_cross", loc=mu_cross_loc, scale=mu_cross_scale, conditionally_independent=True, ) log.debug(f"xi_sigma{xi_sigma}") log.debug(f"xi_mu_cross{xi_mu_cross}") """ Correlate with cholsky and multivariant normal distribution """ Sigma = ( yield LKJCholesky( name="Sigma_cholesky", dimension=4, concentration=2.0, # eta # validate_args=True, transform=transformations.CorrelationCholesky(), conditionally_independent=True, ) + 1e-5 ) Sigma = tf.einsum( "...ij,...i->...ij", # todo look at i,j Sigma, tf.stack([phi_sigma, eta_sigma, xi_sigma, m_sigma], axis=-1), ) Sigma = yield Deterministic( name=f"Sigma", value=Sigma, shape_label=("testing_state_vars_i", "testing_state_vars_j"), ) log.debug(f"Sigma state:\n{Sigma}") # Stack all means for multivariant distribution mu = tf.stack([phi_mu_cross, eta_mu_cross, xi_mu_cross, m_mu], axis=-1) mu = yield Deterministic( name=f"mu_testing_state", value=mu, shape_label=("variable"), ) # To avoid funnels in the likelihood, non-hierarchical implementation of the # multivariate normal distribution: state = ( tf.linalg.matvec( Sigma[..., tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis, :, :], ( yield MvNormalCholesky( name="testing_MvNormalCholesky", loc=0, scale_tril=tf.eye(4), validate_args=True, event_stack=(modelParams.num_countries, num_knots), shape_label=("country", "spline"), conditionally_independent=True, ) ), ) + mu[..., tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis, :] ) log.debug(f"state:\n{state}") """ Transform and add to trace """ # Get variables from state to transform them phi_cross = tf.gather(state, 0, axis=-1) eta_cross = tf.gather(state, 1, axis=-1) xi_cross = tf.gather(state, 2, axis=-1) m_ast = tf.gather(state, 3, axis=-1) # Transform variables phi = tf.math.sigmoid(phi_cross) eta = tf.math.softplus(eta_cross) xi = tf.einsum( "...cb,c->...cb", tf.math.softplus(xi_cross), tf.reduce_sum(modelParams.N_data_tensor, axis=-1) / 10000, ) # Add all vars to the trace phi = yield Deterministic(name=name_phi, value=phi,) eta = yield Deterministic(name=name_eta, value=eta,) xi = yield Deterministic(name=name_xi, value=xi,) m_ast = yield Deterministic(name=name_m_ast, value=m_ast,) return (phi, eta, xi, m_ast)
[docs]def construct_Bsplines_basis(modelParams): r""" Function to construct the basis functions for all BSplines, should only be called once. Uses splipy python library. Parameters ---------- modelParams: :py:class:`covid19_npis.ModelParams` Instance of modelParams, mainly used for number of age groups and number of countries. degree: optional degree corresponds to exponent of the splines i.e. degree of three corresponds to a cubic spline. |default| 3 knots: list, optional Knots array used for constructing the BSplines. |default| one knot every 7 days Returns ------- : |shape| time, knots? """ B = modelParams.spline_basis log.debug(f"spline basis:\n{B}") return tf.constant(B, dtype="float32")
[docs]def _calculate_Bsplines(coef, basis): r""" Calculates the Bsplines given the basis functions B and the coefficients x. .. math:: x(t) = \sum_{b} x_b B_b(t) Parameters ---------- coef: Coefficients :math:`x`. |shape| ...,country, spline basis: Basis functions tensor :math:`B.` |shape| time, spline Returns ------- : :math:`x(t)` |shape| ...,time, country """ return tf.einsum("...cb,tb->", coef, basis)